Soros hires the tax lawyer who wrote Obamacare

Soros hires the tax lawyer who wrote Obamacare

George Soros, billionaire, and founder of the Open Society Foundation and Soros Fund Management LLC.

George Soros owns the Open Society Foundation.

He is funded by Congress.

  • to steal elections

  • to recruit spies

Soros just hired tax attorney Catherine Livingston to run his Foundation.

She starts Sept. 6th.

According to Soros, she wrote Obamacare.

Soros hired Livingston because she is an expert in tax and IRS compliance issues affecting non-profits.

The Supreme Court ruled that Obamacare was Constitutional as a tax.

So Cathy Livingston will be called on by Congress as an expert witness to help get Obamacare Two passed.

The proposed bill is HR 1435.

Cathy E. Livingston, the tax attorney who wrote Obamacare

Tip from Bloomberg Law.

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