CIA still controls Dell Technologies

CIA still controls Dell Technologies

The source of this story is the CIA’s Third Option Foundation, a non-profit organization.

What is its purpose?

To take over the federal government “when military force is inappropriate, and diplomacy is inadequate.”

Like now.

Tip from:

  • Jonathan Cagle

  • George Webb

  • Loyal Marine

“I first met John (Phelan) . . . in 1998”, said Michael Dell, CEO of Dell Technologies.

Source: please fast forward the video below to two minutes, 15 seconds:

Michael & Susan Dell (left) and John & Amy Phelan.

The source is the same video Southern Methodist University (SMU) produced in February.

Phelan received an Alumni Award.

DHS fixed today’s Konnech court case

DHS fixed today’s Konnech court case

Elections are stolen with Dell computers

Elections are stolen with Dell computers