Congress paying for NATO's war with Russia

Congress paying for NATO's war with Russia

Dated Aug. 6th, 2019

Dated Feb. 5th, 2009

Russia is another.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) promotes it.

She is third in line to the Presidency.

Pelosi knows paying NATO for using National Guard troops in 63 countries is illegal.

Congress’ own report says so.

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Congress never passed a declaration of war against Russia.

But war it is.

Nor did they ever pass a law allowing NATO to get free troops from the National Guard.

With Javelin missiles, tanks, and other weapons of war.

The bill to authorize NATO to use National Guard troops was introduced in the House on Feb. 13th, 2013.

SPP bill one top panel Feb 13th 2013.png

It was never acted upon.

Never passed.

SPP UPDATE July 20th 2020 middle panel image.png

Source is

The official record of all past and pending actions taken by Congress:

Congress dot gov banner logo.png

Congress approved the Pentagon’s State Partnership Program in 1992.

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