MIT: there is no such thing as an unhackable voting machine

MIT: there is no such thing as an unhackable voting machine

Juan E. Gilbert, Ph.D.

All voting machine systems are hackable.

According to MIT.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

It is based in Boston.

The current voting machine systems re-elect incumbents.

They vote to keep the current rigged system.

Why can no one verify the current system is safe?

Because voters cannot prove what is printed on their ballot matches what they select on their voting machine.

Their receipt only means they voted rather than how they voted.

Audits, then, are no use.

The current rigged systems benefit the existing political power structure and bureaucracy.

It gets them re-elected.

The bureaucracy keeps their jobs.

The Swamp gets deeper year after year.

Rather than getting drained.

Americans have a chance on Tuesday to vote the bums out of office.

And reinstate paper punchcard ballots.

Will they?

Or are Americans satisfied that their forefathers died in vain for their right to vote?

Juan E. Gilbert, Ph.D.
Andrew Banks Family Preeminence Endowed Professor
Chair, Computer & Information Science & Engineering Department
Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering
University of Florida
P.O. Box 116120
Gainesville, FL 32611

Tip from Spenser Mestel writing for Undark:

Abrams’ Campaign Mgr. is in charge of counting her votes for GA Gov.

Abrams’ Campaign Mgr. is in charge of counting her votes for GA Gov.

China-UN have control of GA’s Nov. 8th Election results

China-UN have control of GA’s Nov. 8th Election results