"Poppy" Pete part of Afghan poppies to heroin network

"Poppy" Pete part of Afghan poppies to heroin network

“Poppy” Pete Buttigieg, above, with a special circle patch on his left arm. “Afghanistan Threat Force Cell”.


“Poppy” Pete Buttigieg (BOOT edge edge).

Mayor of South Bend, Indiana.

The CIA’s pick for next President of the U.S.

How is “Poppy” Pete linked to the Afghanistan heroin network?

Pete worked in a NATO unit called the Afghanistan Threat Force Cell (ATFC).

Source is Page 14 in his 22 pages of military records:

Poppy Pete biggest find ATFC admission image.png
Buttigieg South Bend Tribune Oct 5th 2014.png
Butty admits working Afghan Threat Finance Cell Oct 5th 2014.png


NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Here is what NATO said about ATFC.

It is a “joint Treasury, State, and Defense Department initiative to identify and help disrupt the material and financial funding streams that were supporting the Taliban and other terrorist organizations”.


In other words, tracking drug money to and from Afghanistan.

According to the United Nations, Afghanistan grows 90 per cent of the world’s poppies used for heroin.

UN Opium Survey 2016 top banner image.png
UN opium survey bottom half image.png
UN drug routes map.png
Map Pakistan Afghanistan image.png


Kirk Meyer was former Director of the Afghanistan Threat Finance Cell (ATFC).

He called the ATFC a money laundering operation.

On steroids.

Using military payroll to fund a Ponzi scheme.

Paying out money until the checks bounced.

And bounced they did.

Billions upon billions of dollars.

Always tinkered with.

Never fixed.

Afghan Director Meyer.png
Meyer Clinton four line quote.png
Meyer 25 per cent graft money for roads never built.png


According to Meyer:

  • Hillary Clinton and the State Department were responsible for the graft

  • a typical payoff was “20 per cent of every development project”

  • another “25 per cent of every project” went to the Taliban

The Inspector General’s report from two weeks ago on Afghanistan cited these examples.

Since 2002:

  • $776 billion went for “the war”

  • $137 billion went for “reconstruction”

Any left?

Ten billion dollars.

IG Afghan Jan 30th 2020.png
Afghan 137 billion spent .png

Enter Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

Third in line to the Presidency.


What is her share?

Pelosi made a special trip in October to find out.

And how much will end up in the Poppy Pete’s Campaign for President?

Pelosi in Afghan photo smiling.png

Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is after her share of the $10 billion left in the Afghanistan slush fund. Photo is from October.

source: Page Eleven


Afghan 587 billion in aid.png

Congressional hearing Jan. 15th, Inspector General John Sopko on Afghanistan reconstruction

Congress approved the trillion dollars to Afghanistan.

It even included money to pay off pay dues to the:

  • Asia-Pacific Group

  • Financial Action Task Force

Whoever they are.

The fine print from the Treasury Report is imaged and linked here:

Treasury Dept Afghan drug task force.png
Treas Dept Afghan Threat Fin Cel info image.png


The Pentagon admits to the Afghanistan Threat Finance Cell (ATFC) too.

They even gave an award for it.

Without naming names.

“DEA Afghanistan Unit Receives Prestigious Joint Chiefs of Staff Award” by:

Texas E. Reardon IV, Video Journalist/KETK NBC News.

The video from the story is blocked from public view.

Dated Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - 5:04pm


NATO Jan 14th 2020.png
NATO auditor killed ISIS 2019.png


Yves Chandelon died on Dec. 16th, 2016.

He was in charge of auditing at NATO.

Was he murdered?

As Auditor General, Chandelon was in charge of investigations.

Into money laundering and terrorist financing.

The American media was paid by NATO to report the death a suicide.


After their Chief Auditor died, NATO has failed to mention the drug networks in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

As if they never existed.

Just like the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration).

And the U.S. Treasury Department.

DEA report Dec 2019 no mention of Afghan or Pakistan drug flow image face.png
Treasury Afghan PR March 26th 2014.png
Webb tweet on pete uranium one farsi.png

Updated Feb. 13th

"White Powder" Pete in Africa for 42 months with Strzok doing what where?

Heroin “White Powder” Pete was deployed from 2009 to 2017 as a “counterintelligence” spy in the Navy Reserve and CIA.

Only six months in Afghanistan.

Where was he working the other 36 months?

Article photo and link with 22-pages of Pete’s service records with the details.

Hollingsworth and Pete coming out of plane.png
"White Powder" Pete in Africa for 42 months with Strzok doing what where?

"White Powder" Pete in Africa for 42 months with Strzok doing what where?

CIA has been spying on citizens without a warrant since July 24th, 2014

CIA has been spying on citizens without a warrant since July 24th, 2014