Ukraine: another NATO coup

Ukraine: another NATO coup

What is NATO?

It is the military for the:

  • United Nations

  • United States

Paid for by American taxpayers.

Joe Biden has supported a foreign policy of ongoing war for 40 years.

Congress approved the Pentagon to send National Guard troops to serve under NATO.

It started in 1992.

Congress called it “The State Partnership Program”.

NATO took over the world’s largest naval base in Norfolk, Virginia on July 15th.

The Pentagon surrendered it.

On June 20th, 2019, NATO discussed expanding its territory to include China.

On June 29th, 2017, a treaty was signed between FBI Special Agent Matthew S. Moon and Artem Sytnyk of NABU (National Anti-Crime Bureau of Ukraine).

It allows the FBI to continue to spy on American citizens from Ukraine.

Serhiy (Sergey) Leshchenko, a member of the Ukrainian Parliament, is the source of the Russian dossier, according to Nellie Ohr, the FBI contractor.

Nellie said Jake Berkowitz of Fusion GPS gave her travel schedules of the President’s family and Paul Manafort, a former campaign manager.

The information was the result of illegal surveillance of American citizens.

Nellie Ohr was hired to do Russian research for Fusion GPS.

NATO met in Halifax, Canada on Oct. 20th, 2019 to discuss:

  • updates to NATO’s war with Russia in Ukraine

  • getting rid of President Donald J. Trump who wanted peace with Russia

Afghanistan and Benghazi were two other NATO campaigns.

According to NATO.

The Afghan campaign remains ongoing.

Benghazi, Libya, was led by NATO Commander Jimmy “the Greek” Stavridis.

He retired as an Admiral in the U.S. Navy. Jimmy works now for the Carlyle Group.

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