Eugene Yu of Konnech can fix court cases too

Eugene Yu of Konnech can fix court cases too

There is no transcript from Tuesday’s evidence hearing.

The court reporter, Lauren Engel, was told not to transcribe it.

Instead, the official court record, imaged above, says:

“The Court and Counsel have a discussion off the record.”

Five minutes later the defense attorney is walking out of court with a box containing a 350-terabyte storage device.

It contains the voting records of all the verified and fraudulent voter registration profiles in the country.

Those profiles can fix elections in over 1000 Election Boards across the country.

They use Konnech election software, according to LA Prosecutor Eric V. Neff.

The Judge on Tuesday was Anne Hwang.

She is a Los Angeles (LA) Superior Court Judge.

Bjorne E. Dodd was the Los Angeles Prosecutor.

He is the Deputy District Attorney of their Public Integrity Division.

Dodd was there to prosecute Jianwei “Eugene Wei” Yu for conspiracy and embezzling $2,640,000 from Los Angeles County, California.

According to the court record, the Prosecutor never objected to surrendering the Konnech storage device.

It was if Dodd was representing the defendant, the Chinese spy, Eugene Yu.

Dodd’s boss, George Gascon, works for George Soros, rather than the people of Los Angeles.

Defense attorney, Alexis Wiseley, walked out of the courtroom in disbelief.

And a smile from ear to ear.

The case was over before it started.

Konnech CEO Jianwei “Eugene Wei” Yu never had an arraignment or plea hearing.

Konnech partners with the United Nations Carter Center to help write certification results in:

  • Alaska

  • Arizona

  • Georgia

  • Michigan

  • Missouri

  • Pennsylvania

  • Wisconsin

Democrats use Konnech voting machine systems software to maintain a majority in the U.S. Senate.


Like in 2020.

Tip from LA’s Eyewitness News Reporter, Rick Olson.

He was the only person in the media who was in the courtroom to witness Tuesday’s Eugene Yu court evidence hearing.

Rick has been living in Los Angeles for 30 years.

He will be at the LA District Court on Dec. 2nd.

Another evidence hearing will be held in the Eugene Yu criminal case.

The Prosecution has been ordered to return his cell phone.

The one Yu left behind while he was trying to flee the country from the airport in Lansing, Michigan.

He said he didn’t want to be tracked, according to the Ingham County Prosecutor in Mason, Nicole Matusko.

How can a transcript dated Oct. 24th have a filing date of Oct. 21st by the Superior Court of California County of Los Angeles?

Here it is:

Here is the link to download the entire transcript:

This transcript verifies that the LA Prosecutor made no attempt to object to returning the evidence seized in Michigan at the home and business locations of:

  • Konnech

  • their CEO, Eugene Yu, and

  • another Chinese spy, and his wife, Donna Wang

Wang is a former Professor at Michigan State University.

Their whereabouts are unknown.

Konnech’s U.S. headquarters in E. Lansing, Michigan was closed on Oct. 14th.

Where in China are they?

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