Congress funds phony non-profit to steal global elections for Google, Soros, and the CIA

Congress funds phony non-profit to steal global elections for Google, Soros, and the CIA

George Soros (far right above).

The other people in the photo are unidentified.

The phony foundation is called the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES).

It was created by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation (OSF).

Both receive funding from the:

  • State Department


  • Congress

Google admits to selecting a narrow sliver of voter information on its sites:

  • Ballotpedia

  • YouTube

Their main purpose this year is to re-elect Congress on Nov. 8th.

It used to be called censorship.

Google calls it fighting “misinformation”.

Regardless of what happens in November, Russia will be blamed for rigging or trying to rig federal elections.

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